IKARUS: Things Get Hefty

Version 0.0.2 of IKARUS is here - with a few big updates focussing on the core game loop and increased enemy variation. You can play it here:  https://magicalsomething.itch.io/ikarus

Shoutout to everyone who played the first version and gave us really helpful feedback, we really appreciate it! Hopefully you enjoy this version and there is a LOT more to come :) Join our discord server if you want to be a part of the journey: https://discord.gg/uuqjWn2esd

Game Loop Update

  • The game now has a "wave" system of enemies. Players will have to battle through various waves before facing up to our first boss: HEFTY C
  • Added a whole new set of more advanced enemies.
  • New game loop: The player's score will be multiplied based on how fast they complete the game (by defeating the boss).
  • Can no longer abuse the tutorial - no energy will be gained or cards drawn until tutorial is finished.


  • The game now has full keyboard control. Press 'Tab' to raise your cards, 'Enter' to play a card and arrow keys to scroll through cards. Cards can also be played using the corresponding number button (i.e. press '3' to play the 3rd card in your hand).

Card Tweaks

  • If you can't afford a card the cost now has red text.
  • Weapons nerfed, especially the shotgun (sorry).
  • Memory of the Hawk now provides a passive speed boost and then launches a powerful attack for its active effect.
  • Hind Legs removed as going that fast just wasn't necessary (and broke the game :/)
  • Some other slight tweaks across cards and weapons.

Bug fixes

  • It was possible to deal infinite damage (suspiciously no-one mentioned this) - that's no longer possible.
  • Buffs no longer apply to enemies aswell (bit of an oversight that one…)
  • Power-up system now works properly (fixed numerous bugs).
  • Discord link will now work permanently (we are going to assume lack of joiners was due to the link expiring :P)
  • Many small and miscellaneous bug fixes.


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