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(1 edit)

Good job on the bugfix!

Playing more than one memory of hawk still causes problems, though, just not a crash.  The speed keeps stacking and it quickly becomes impossible to play except in slowmo. The speed buff also seems to be affecting the enemies, at least to some extent.  Its hard to tell because of the massive lag when traveling at such speeds.  I would recommend changing the increases after the first one to asymptotically approach some value, or letting players discard the card or otherwise get it out of the hand without having to gain its effect

(1 edit)

Thanks! That pesky hawk is causing a lot of problems :p I have changed the hawk so that the passive is a substantial, but hopefully non-game breaking, speed boost and then the active effect is now a powerful hawk attack. So speed boosts no longer stack. I removed Hind Legs (a speed boost powerup) from the game for now, but I think we will try to incorporate something similar to what you suggested for that card (the asymptomatic approach)!

Hopefully that's a lot of the main bugs fixed  - we are focussing on bringing in more content and systems now :)

UPDATE: We uploaded a new build that hopefully should have fixed the crash issue. Let us know if the problem persists!

Great game! My suggestion for a mechanic is being able to press the number keys (1, 2, 3, etc.) to play the first/second/third/nth card in your hand. Seems like it would be another fun way to play the game.

Thanks for the feedback and really glad you enjoyed it :) That is a cool idea and could be a fun way to play without having to slow down the game - we will give it a go!

Thank you so much!

New bug (or maybe the timing on the last one was coincidence):

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

RuntimeError: indirect call to null

@blob: line 10 > WebAssembly.instantiate:wasm-function[70238]:0x1967db9

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Thanks again, it makes us really happy that you still wanted to play again :)  I think a few people have been getting this error unfortunately. This is the first time we have built/published a game outside of the engine so we are learning about all sorts of new errors that can pop up!  I just uploaded a new build which should hopefully fix it but let me know if it happens again

Pretty cool start!  Unfortunately if you play memory of the hawk twice the game crashes.

Cheers for playing, really appreciate it! And thanks for flagging the Memory of Hawk bug, will get that sorted.